Author E.S. Tasker’s New Audiobook, “Rocks and Bottles,” is an Eye-Opening Series That Explores the Ways in Which Law Enforcement Are Treated in Today’s Society –

Carrolltown, OH, January 10, 2024 –(– E.S. Tasker, a retired member of the law enforcement community who currently resides in northeast Ohio on a farm with his wife, Jill, has completed his new audiobook, “Rocks and Bottles”: a collection of short stories based on the experiences encountered by the author over the course of his thirty-year career in law enforcement.

Following his service in the US Navy, which included three Vietnam tours, author E. S. Tasker served over thirty years as a public servant with several nationally recognized police departments. Through those years, his experiences ranged from that of patrol officer, evidence technician, crime analyst, field training officer, academy instructor, and squad supervisor. He was honored with numerous departmental awards and commendations through those years. Now retired, he serves as the chairperson for his church’s Safety and Security Program.

“Today’s society has placed so many demands as well as restraints on its law-enforcement community that doing the job with a clear and open frame of mind has become, at best, difficult if not impossible,” writes Tasker. “Throughout the country, our police officers, many times, find themselves in situations that have no-win solutions and are of the type that corner them in a ‘damn if you do, damn if you don’t’ dilemma. The vast majority of the population wouldn’t trade places with those officers being tasked with the everyday life-or-death decisions nor could the average citizen make the type of decision many of those officers have to make in the blink of an eye. Yet, in most cases, those same citizens are the first to criticize the actions taken without, many times, knowing the facts. One thing being forgotten in this equation is that those being criticized are also citizens of this nation. Another thing is that these individuals wearing a badge elected to do so for one universal reason: they care about their fellow man and their communities.”

He continues, “… there are those in our society who should be held accountable for their actions, regardless of their race, sex, or color. If someone does the crime, they should serve the time. Recently, it has gotten to the point that there are some who have learned that using the media helps achieve their goals in forcing law enforcement into a corner. The right to demonstrate and state their case is everyone’s right. That is perfectly understood. However, when groups of individuals use that format before gathering many of the facts involved in any situation, then it is wrong. No organization within government—whether it be city, county, or state—should be forced to take a defensive stance when the actions initially taken were not only necessary but also correct.”

Published by Audiobook Network, author E.S. Tasker’s new audiobook will help listeners gain a better perspective as to the type of person many law enforcement officers are, and what they face each and every day as they work to protect the lives of others at great personal cost. Through his own experiences and writings, Tasker hopes listeners will walk away with a better understanding of the pressure that police are constantly under and see how they are not so different from their communities they are sworn to serve.

Listeners can purchase the audiobook edition of “Rocks and Bottles” by E.S. Tasker through Audible, the Apple iTunes store, or Amazon.

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