Blitz Champz Football Card Game NFL Shield Edition Launches at Barnes & Noble Nationwide to Kick Off the NFL Season –

New York, NY, September 12, 2024 –(– Blitz Champz, the dynamic football card game created by women’s tackle and flag football champion Adrienne Smith, proudly announces the launch of its NFL Shield edition. This exciting release is available at Barnes & Noble stores nationwide, timed perfectly with the start of the NFL season.

Blitz Champz has captivated football fans and families alike with its fast-paced, strategic gameplay that mirrors the excitement of a real football game. The new NFL Shield edition is a fresh design that incorporates the iconic NFL logo and is being sold exclusively at Barnes & Noble stores nationwide.

“We are thrilled to partner with Barnes & Noble for the release of the NFL Shield edition of Blitz Champz,” said Adrienne Smith, the game’s creator and a renowned figure in women’s tackle and flag football. “Blitz Champz captures the thrill of football and offers a fun, strategic challenge that players of all ages can enjoy. We can’t wait to see it become a part of football traditions nationwide.”

The NFL Shield edition continues Blitz Champz’s tradition of offering an inclusive and engaging experience for players of all ages and backgrounds. Each NFL Shield Blitz Champz card game includes 100 playing cards that feature female and male athletes playing flag and tackle football. The NFL Shield edition is a must-have for football enthusiasts and card game lovers alike.

Barnes & Noble, known for its commitment to offering diverse and high-quality products, is the perfect venue for the launch of this special edition. “We are excited to bring the NFL Shield edition of Blitz Champz to our customers,” said Sabrina Falcone, Sr. Merchandise Manager, Toys & Games for Barnes & Noble. “This game not only celebrates the love of football but also supports the growth of Black-owned businesses in the retail space.”

Blitz Champz has received widespread acclaim for its innovative approach to football gaming, and the NFL Shield edition is expected to be a hit among existing fans and newcomers. The game is designed to be easy to learn yet challenging to master, making it an ideal addition to family game nights, parties, and gatherings.

In celebration of the launch, Barnes & Noble will host special in-store events featuring live demonstrations of Blitz Champz and opportunities to meet Adrienne Smith. These events will provide fans with a unique chance to learn more about the game and its creator while enjoying a fun and interactive experience.

The NFL Shield edition of Blitz Champz is available now at Barnes & Noble stores nationwide and online at

For more information about Blitz Champz and upcoming events, visit or follow Blitz Champz on social media @BlitzChampz.

About Blitz Champz:
Blitz Champz is an award-winning card game for football fans ages 7 and up. Blitz Champz is fast-paced, action-packed, and features 100 vibrantly illustrated playing cards characterizing a diverse lineup of male and female players. In addition to being super fun, Blitz Champz also teaches football knowledge, and reinforces strategic thinking and math skills for kids in grades 3-8, resulting in Blitz Champz being used as a math learning tool in elementary and middle schools throughout the U.S. Blitz Champz was created by Adrienne Smith, five-time member of the U.S. women’s national flag football team, two-time gold medalist with the U.S. women’s national tackle football team, and six-time national champion with the Boston Renegades. Adrienne is dedicated to promoting the sport of football and empowering the next generation of athletes through her work and entrepreneurial ventures. For more information, please visit

About Barnes & Noble:
Barnes & Noble, Inc. is the largest retail bookseller in the United States. The Company has more than 630 bookstores across the United States, as well as its online bookstore at, the Nook Digital business which offers both e-books and an audio book subscriptions service, the SparkNotes educational service, stationery and gift retailer Paper Source, and the publisher Union Square & Co. General information on Barnes & Noble, Inc. can be found on the Company’s website at