Marilyn Beattie’s Newly Released “Developing in the Dark: Standing on the Promise While Going Through the Process” is a Potent Memoir with Heart –
Shamokin Dam, PA, October 26, 2023 –(– “Developing in the Dark: Standing on the Promise while Going through the Process”: a nostalgic consideration of life’s blessings and lessons. “Developing in the Dark: Standing on the Promise while Going through the Process” is the creation of published author Marilyn Beattie, a dedicated wife, mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother who is an accomplished singer and recording artist.
Beattie shares, “Everything in life goes through a process. A baby grows in their mother’s womb, a seed is planted in the soil, and diamonds are made from the pressure found deep within the Earth’s core. What is common in these three examples? They are all very dark and isolated places. I have come to learn that God develops our character and purpose in that very same manner—within the darkroom.
But remember…what’s developed in the dark will shine in the light.”
Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Marilyn Beattie’s new book brings readers on a deeply personal journey of growth, healing, and self-discovery as the author presents her most cherished and challenging experiences.
Consumers can purchase “Developing in the Dark: Standing on the Promise while Going through the Process” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.
For additional information or inquiries about “Developing in the Dark: Standing on the Promise while Going through the Process,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.